President's MessagePresident's Message

Helping to realize a society in which future generations can live with peace of mind by resolving today's social issues.

We would like to express our gratitude to our stakeholders for their continuing support.

S-Pool was founded in 1999 to realize the following social mission: Applying the power of outsourcing to support corporate innovation and solutions to society's challenges.

In our 25th fiscal year (ended November 30, 2024), revenue and operating profit remained at about the same level as the previous fiscal year, as solid performance in the three main businesses of Special Needs Employment Services, Environmental Management Support Services, and Wide-area Administrative BPO Services offset the decline in sales from Human Resource Outsourcing Services. Although revenue and profits declined in the Human Resource Outsourcing Services, signs of a recovery in demand for call center operations began to emerge in the second half of the fiscal year, and sales appear to have bottomed out.

The resulting revenue totaled 25.55 billion yen (down 0.9% year on year), operating profit stood at 2.78 billion yen (up 0.2% year on year), and profit attributable to owners of the parent at 2.09 billion yen (up 21.4% year on year).

In our 26th fiscal year (ended November 30, 2025) we will aim for a re-turn toward increased revenue and profit. Demand for our Special Needs Employment Services is expected to remain high. In addition to the existing farms in the three major metropolitan areas, we will be preparing for a nationwide expansion after 2026. In Environmental Management Support Services, focusing on growing our customer base, we will strengthen the revenue foundations by expanding the service and seeking out new customers. In the wide-area administrative BPO service, as with last year, we are expecting orders to cluster in 2H, National projects continue growing YoY. We will secure orders by enhancing sales centered on the local governments with whom we have transaction track records. Meanwhile, in the Human Resource Outsourcing Services, the Company will aim to bottom out sales by capturing the trend of recovering demand for call center operations. We will differentiate ourselves from competitors by strengthening the consu ting function of employees (field consultants) stationed at temporary staffing sites, which is a distinctive feature of our service, and by enhancing their expertise.

As we head into the future, the S-Pool Group is committed to playing an integral role in realizing a sustainable society and serving as a leading social enterprise in Japan. We appreciate your continued understanding and support.

Sohei Urakami
Chairman of the Board, President and Representative Director