Strengths of S-Pool
Strength 1: Social businesses based on benefiting all three parties involved: sellers, buyers, and society
In line with our corporate philosophy calling for
“Supporting corporate transformation for all our
customers and embracing the power of outsourcing to
solve social issues,“ we promote social businesses
that deliver solutions to society's challenges–and
associated corporate challenges–through our
business activities. This mission reflects the
traditional sanpo yoshi (benefiting all three parties)
management principles of merchants from Japan's former
Omi region.
This concept of benefiting all three parties involved by
helping our customers increase their corporate value and
contributing to solving social issues, in addition to
generating earnings ourselves, helps attract capable
human resources and achieve growth of our unique social
1.Social value
- Realizing a society based on normalization
- Rectifying regional disparities (revitalizing communities)
- Addressing climate change
2. S-Pool's value
- Achieving sustained corporate growth
- Improving employee well-being
3. Customer value
- Addressing (adapting to) social needs
- Promoting innovation
- Focusing on main businesses

Strength 2: A unique business model of outsourcing services built on sharing
Our outsourcing services aim to lead corporations and government agencies to identify solutions to issues that would be difficult to address on their own. These services adopt the sharing approach, reflecting the premise that multiple companies can use the same services. Under this business model, the more our user base grows, the more stable and less reliant on certain customers our revenues become.

Special Needs Employment Services
53 farms shared by 664 companies
Logistics Outsourcing Services
2 logistics centers shared by 76 companies
Employment Support Services
5 call centers shared by 215 companies
Wide-area Administrative BPO Services
21 BPO centers shared by 155 local governments
As of the end of November 2024
Strength 3: Stable growth through portfolio management
The S-Pool Group strives to be a corporate entity resistant to environmental changes by promoting portfolio management whereby we engage in multiple businesses in different fields. We also work to build robust management foundations by operating business in fields less susceptible to the ups and downs of the economic cycle.
Resistant to external
environmental changes
Special Needs
Employment Services
Helping corporations
meet their
legal compliance
Administrative BPO
Supporting administrative
services essential to
people's lives
Support Services
Helping corporations fulfill
their responsibilities
to society
Supporting logistics
efficiency improvements in
the steadily growing
e-commerce market
Human Resource
Outsourcing Services
Supporting solutions to
workforce shortages and
enhancements to
organizational strength