

Viewing legal and regulatory compliance as a management concern of the utmost importance, The S-Pool Group ensure fair, impartial, and ethical actions. We undertake consistent compliance activities as a good corporate citizen based on respect for social and ethical norms. We pledge to be a Group worthy of the trust placed in us by all the persons, enterprises, and communities affected by our businesses.

Social responsibilities We strive constantly to obtain business knowledge based on applicable laws and regulations; to deliver high-quality services; and to make continuous improvements in our business operations. By doing so, we seek to fulfill our social responsibilities and to support job creation and reforms by corporate customers.
Compliance with labor laws and regulations We undertake appropriate business activities in compliance with labor laws and regulations.
- We provide appropriate human resource services based on the Worker Dispatching Act
- We undertake appropriate business activities based on the Labor Standards Act, the Industrial Safety and Health Act, and other applicable labor laws and regulations.
Providing social insurance coverage We undertake appropriate business activities in full compliance with the requirements for social insurance and employment insurance for registered staff.
- We provide social insurance and employment insurance coverage for staff who satisfy certain conditions regarding job records.
- We provide full industrial accident compensation insurance for all staff, regardless of job record.
Protection of personal information We undertake appropriate business activities in compliance with the Act on the Protection of Personal Information.
See the Privacy Policy for more information.
Fair and impartial transactions We engage in clear, fair, and impartial transactions. We resolutely reject any and all demands from antisocial forces.
Preventing harassment
and improper treatment
We prohibit undue acts of harassment, such as sexual harassment and power harassment, and threatening or harming employees by inhuman treatment.
Prohibiting employment of minors We comply with all minimum age requirements regarding employment. We also comply with the special protective provisions in the Labor Standards Act regarding minors under 18 years of age, including those concerning working hours, holidays, and late-night work.

Whistleblowing System (compliance hotline)

An internal whistleblowing system (compliance hotline) has been established as a reporting system for the entire Group. Internal Audit Office of the Company or External Statutory Auditors serve as contact points. In addition, efforts are being made to raise awareness among all Group employees. The whistleblower remains anonymous if they so wish and is safeguarded against any disadvantageous treatment due to their actions.
Number of notifications (2021: 13cases, 2022: 12cases, 2023: 6cases)

Employee Training

To ensure compliance and raise awareness, we hold training for compliance and to prevent insider trading for all employees every year.

Preventing Corruption

We refrain from involvement in any actions that could be construed as corruption or bribery, including the exchange of improper gifts or entertainment.

  • Anti-bribery and anti-corruption policy

    • 1.Compliance with laws and regulations
      The S-Pool Group and its officers and employees comply with all national and regional anti-bribery and anti-corruption laws and regulations that apply to the Group.
    • 2. Prohibition of bribery
      The S-Pool Group and its officers and employees will not engage in any acts of corruption or complicity in corrupt acts, directly or indirectly, against public officials or persons in equivalent positions or other business operators, whether in Japan or abroad.
    • 3. Thorough recording and management
      The S-Pool Group timely and accurately prepares and maintains accounting records for all transactions.
    • 4. Response to violations.
      Where instances of non-compliance with this policy are identified, strict disciplinary action will be taken in accordance with internal regulations.