
Promoting diversity

Striving to achieve a society characterized by acceptance, the S-Pool Group makes every effort to maintain an environment in which all people can do rewarding work as members of society.
Based on the credo, maintained since our founding, that human potential is limitless, we've engaged in business based on the belief that all of us can change, grow, and find a place to shine.
In today's Japan, due to insufficient employment opportunities for young and inexperienced workers, those with disabilities, seniors, homemakers, and many others find themselves unable to work in ways they would prefer.
By building an organization that makes the most of diversity and respects each person's individual characteristics, including race, nationality, gender, age, disability status, and work style, we seek to do our part and more to change the status quo and to realize a society in which everyone has the opportunity to experience the joy of work.

Practical examples
  • Providing equal employment opportunities

    The Group does not discriminate in hiring based on race, nationality, gender, sexual orientation, etc., and promotes the recruitment and utilization of diverse human resources based solely on ability and aptitude. We are working to realize “equal opportunity in employment” by adopting our own entry sheet and eliminating items that may lead to employment discrimination.
  • D&I Promotion Structure

    In 2021, we established the D&I Promotion Group whereby we pursue various efforts, including the active hiring of people with disabilities, workplace environmental improvements with consideration for diversity, and efforts to encourage understanding of diversity and inclusion within the organization.D&I strives to create an organizational culture that respects diversity and encourages growth, and to create an environment in which everyone can flourish in their own way. The Group's overall employment rate of persons with disabilities is 3.6%. In addition, a dedicated consultation service for D&I has been established to provide a wide range of consultation services, from working styles and career changes to disability and LGBT-related issues.
  • Improving D&I literacy

    E-learning training is provided to improve D&I literacy (knowledge and understanding of diversity and inclusion). By deepening not only the understanding of disabilities, but also the understanding of diversity of each individual, we are working to revitalize the entire organization.
  • Scheduled hospital leave system

    The S-Pool Group provides a system for people with disabilities to continue working with peace of mind, we have a ' Scheduled hospital leave system' that allows employees to take up to one leave per month for hospital visits. The system is being expanded to promote the creation of a system that makes it easier for everyone to work and perform.
  • Recognized as

    Recognized as "Advance" Rank company at the D&I Award 2024

    The D&l Award is Japan's largest award recognizing companies committed to diversity and inclusion. In 2024, the company was recognized as “Advanced,” the second from the highest rank.