“Applying the power of outsourcing to support corporate innovation and solutions to society's challenges”
Respect for human rights lies at the core of the S-Pool Group's corporate philosophy, and represents the Group's fundamental priority in all business activities. In recognition of its corporate responsibility to respect the fundamental human rights of all stakeholders involved in its business activities and those affected by its businesses, the Group hereby establishes the S-Pool Group Human Rights Policy (“Policy”) and demonstrates its respect for human rights.
S-Pool Group Human Rights Policy
1. Scope
The Policy applies to all executives and employees working at the S-Pool Group. The Group expects all its stakeholders, including customers and business partners, to understand and uphold the Policy.
2. Compliance with applicable laws and regulations
The Group has declared its commitment to the International Bill of Human Rights; the International Labour Organization's Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work, which include freedom of association and the right to engage in collective bargaining; and the United Nations' Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights. Additionally, the Group complies with applicable laws in the regions in which it operates. Where differences exist between internationally accepted standards and local laws, the Group complies with the stricter standards; where inconsistencies exist between internationally accepted standards and local laws, the Group prioritizes upholding international human rights principles.
3. Human rights issues related to business activities
The Group seeks to address human rights issues, including the following:
Based on the laws and regulations in place in the respective countries and regions, the Group makes every effort to eliminate discrimination and violations of human rights from the business activities in which it is involved, whether due to race, skin color, language, creed, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, nationality, age, birthplace, mental or physical disorder, or illness. The Group is committed to eradicating bullying and harassment as well as demonstrating respect for the dignity of each person as an individual.
The Group prohibits forced labor, child labor, and human trafficking in any form, and demonstrates its respect for children's rights through adoption of the Children's Rights and Business Principles.
The Group respects the right to freedom of association and collective bargaining for all employees as provided by the Constitution and appropriately handles employee disaffection and grievances. In Japan, the Group has concluded an agreement governing off-hours work and work on days off (Article 36 Agreement) with employee majority representatives at each site, pursuant to the Labor Standards Act. This agreement applies to all employees other than managers.
The Group strives to promote gender equality, ensure equal opportunities and treatment for men and women in employment and other matters, and achieve a better work-life balance.
The Group strives to manage the working hours of its employees and to maintain wage levels that not only meet the legal minimum but leave employees feeling rewarded for their efforts.
The Group promotes its business activities with due consideration to the human rights of local residents.
The Group strives to demonstrate its respect for the privacy and preserve and the freedom of expression of all stakeholders, including employees, customers, and business partners.
4. Initiatives to prevent human rights violations
The Group undertakes regular surveys of and interviews with employees to grasp and pinpoint potential risks. Based on the survey results, the Group determines whether any human rights violations exist and the challenges in embedding and ensuring compliance, and takes any risk reduction measures necessary to prevent substantial damage while reflecting findings through employee educational activities and training.
5. Correction and remedy
If the Group identifies any potential adverse human rights impact resulting from its business activities or finds that it has otherwise been involved in such impact, it works to correct and remedy the situation through appropriate internal processes. The Group strives to establish a system for handling inquiries and complaints concerning any actions within the Group that have an adverse impact on human rights.
6. Disclosure of information
The Group discloses the status of its initiatives related to respect for human rights based on the Policy through its website, Integrated Report, and other means.
7. Initiatives to embed respect for human rights
The Group plans to educate and train all executives and employees working within the Group to ensure they are adequately acquainted with the Policy.
Sohei Urakami
Chairman of the Board, President and Representative Director
Addressing harassment
We regard harassment as an important issue, one that cannot be overlooked. Harassment involves human rights and impairs the working environment by denigrating the dignity of employees. The S-Pool Group strives to ensure safe, comfortable working environments based on mutual respect for all and zero tolerance for harassment and bullying.
Harassment education
As part of compliance training, the S-Pool Group implements periodic training and education for all employees for the purpose of preventing power and sexual harassment.
Harassment consultation service
The S-Pool Group has established a harassment contact point for consultations on a wide range of
related to harassment (e.g., power harassment, sexual harassment, and maternity harassment), and
swift and appropriate action in response.
Based on our basic policy of zero tolerance for engaging in, tolerating, or ignoring acts of
we strive to ensure early identification, resolution, and rectification of related issues through
dedicated contact point for consultations. We take rigorous measures to safeguard the
confidentiality of
consulting parties, harassers, and others and prohibit disadvantageous treatment for seeking such