Human Resource DevelopmentHuman Resource Development

People represent the core of the S-Pool Group's businesses.
To build a company that continues to grow into the future, we believe people must create its businesses, people's ideas and actions generate its value, and people train the next generation of human resources.
To promote one of the Group's material issues, “Developing human resources to strengthen corporate value,” the Group makes concerted efforts to develop its human resources. As part of the initiative, the Group-wide policy and the individual policies of the respective Group companies are determined in accordance with Balance Score Cards (BSCs), with the objective of simultaneously promoting businesses and assisting in the careers of employees.

Practical examples
  • HR Evaluation system

    Group companies engage in a wide range of businesses and duties. For this reason, a management-by-objective (MBO) system has been introduced, which visualizes business strategies using each Group company's own BSCs and evaluates the extent of achievement of respective key performance indicators (KPIs). Financial performance is reflected in bonuses, while performance with respect to action plans viewed as personal growth is reflected in monthly salaries. Employees receive semi-annual evaluations following an interview by their supervisor. The interview format is intended to increase employee satisfaction as questions about the evaluation can be resolved at the same time.
  • Level-specific training programs

    To develop management human resources who will advance our businesses, the S-Pool Group prepares growth roadmaps and specifies employee development stages. These growth roadmaps specify the business experience and training programs needed, by employee level, for progress in the three skill areas of creating businesses, growing businesses, and management. Job rotations and training are implemented accordingly.
  • Three-year training program

    For employees who join the company as new graduates, we have established a special program that spans the first three years of employment, and we plan and execute the program so that all applicable employees can acquire the minimum skills required to become leaders and managers. The program is structured according to a growth map, focusing on knowledge, frameworks, coaching, and other skills that are lacking in leadership and management skills development based on work experience alone.
  • Next-generation management training program

    We offer a one-year training program to provide managers with the necessary knowledge and mindset to enable them to produce the necessary human resources in-house for the establishment of new subsidiaries and the creation of new companies. The program is designed to provide management with the necessary knowledge and mindset. In the training program, selected personnel aim to acquire the ability to promote business and human qualities through lectures and discussions, and we promote the discovery and development of executive candidates who will support our group.
  • Career change system

    In the course of long-term work, constraints may change due to changes in career aspirations, one's family environment, and other factors. We have established a system that allows employees to change their careers in all positions at group companies in response to changes in their career aspirations and the environment. By institutionalizing the change of one's career, we strive to provide a working environment where employees can work with peace of mind, and also provide a working environment that can be utilized for reskilling that is necessary in response to the changing times.
  • Mentor-mentee system

    For new employees, many of the things they experience in society are new to them, and in many cases, their anxiety prevents them from fully realizing their inherent potential.We assign a mentor to each new graduate employee in his or her first year with the company, and require the mentor to contact the employee at least once a month to relieve any stress or confusion at work. In addition, by assigning mentors mainly to young employees in their second year as new graduates, we are also working to improve the human resource development skills of the mentor employees themselves.
  • Various internal contests

    Depending on its own business stage, each Group company faces various challenges in areas other than improving business performance, including human resource development, operational improvements, and business development. To accelerate each company's growth, we have adopted measures whereby each company plans and implements its own creative contests and campaigns as fun ways to produce results.