Further Strengthening the Management Foundations for the Next Decade
To date, the S-Pool Group has built its foundations for new growth in 10-year cycles. As it approaches a new decade, in the dramatically changing business environment of Human Resource Outsourcing Services, the Group believes further progress will be based on its three core businesses and that continuing growth will require the creation of new business.
Numerical targets
36.0billion yen
4.5billion yen
Priority Strategies
Maintaining organic growth based on core businesses
We have identified Special Needs Employment Services, Sustainability Support Services, and Community Development Support Services, each of which combines high growth potential with competitive advantages, as core business fields to drive the Group's growth. In Human Resource Outsourcing Services, in which the key call center staffing business is likely to experience demand contraction as use of AI and digital transformation (DX) accelerates, we will enhance competitive advantages by increasing use of AI and achieving digital transformation.
Three core businesses
Special Needs Employment Services
FY2024 results
FY2029 target
8.0 billion yen
13.0 billion yen
Number of farms
Nationwide expansion of farm services
Expanding the existing model into seven major urban areas (2026 and beyond)
Deployment of new small-scale model to provincial cities (2027 and beyond)
Wide-area Administrative BPO Services
FY2024 results
FY2029 target
1.5 billion yen
2.9 billion yen
Number of centers
Percentage of wide-area administrative services
Establishing the wide-area administrative mode
Expanding BPO centers
Increasing the percentage of wide-area administrative services
Environmental Management Support Services
FY2024 results
FY2029 target
1.5 billion yen
2.4 billion yen
Aiming to be the leading player in sustainability management consulting
Actively growing the customer base and seeking out new customers by expanding the service menu
Establishing a community platform
Main business
Human Resource Outsourcing Services
FY2024 results
FY2029 target
10.6 billion yen
11.0 billion yen
Adding increased value to achieve differentiation
Strengthening the capacity to improve operations on site by strengthening the skills and expertise of field consultants
Boosting customer satisfaction by increasing retention rates of assigned staff
Advancing business through Group synergies
We will achieve further growth by making the most of the strengths and customer base of each business to create new business opportunities. In particular, we will grow the business fields of Special Needs Employment Services, Environmental Management Support Services, and Wide-area Administrative BPO Services by actively introducing new services. We will strive to maximize sales by enhancing collaboration among Group members in other existing business.
Improving profitability and management efficiency through AI and digital transformation (DX)
We will promote the active use of AI and digital transformation (DX) Groupwide. We will strive to achieve large-scale improvements in operations and lower costs by aggressively promoting digitalization and automation in back-office operations. We will also achieve more efficient and effective sales operations by applying AI to formulate sales strategies, customer analysis, and sales process reforms.
Developing a diverse workforce for the next generation
Under our policy that seeks corporate growth based on employee growth, we aim to be an organization in which all employees can work with vitality and grow together based on shared values, by developing an environment based on respect for individual diversity in which individual employees can demonstrate their abilities to the fullest. We will focus on developing core human resources to lead Group management to support sustained growth and achieving progress on and developing leaders capable of welcoming change and aggressively pursuing new challenges.
Financial targets
Financial targets for FY2029
Consolidated payout ratio: 30% or higher
dividends remaining undiminished until the single-year consolidated payout ratio exceeds 60%