Editorial PolicyEditorial Policy

About the Sustainability Site

Based on our corporate philosophy, the S-Pool Group contributes to the development of a sustainable society by solving social issues through our business and implementing environmental and social sustainability initiatives.

The Sustainability Site is intended to actively disclose information to all stakeholders with integrity and transparency to build relationships of trust based on an understanding of these concepts and initiatives.

Period Subject to Reporting

FY2023 (December 1, 2022 – November 30, 2023)
Note that certain data on activities and initiatives may include previous or more recent data.

Companies Subject to Reporting

The eight companies of the S-Pool Group including S-Pool, Inc. and its seven subsidiaries (as of November 30, 2023) are subject to reporting.
* The specific companies covered are identified separately for data of more limited scope.


April 2024(next update planned for April 2025)

Reference Guidelines

GRI, Sustainable Reporting Standards: See here for a guidelines matrix (GRI/SASB)
SASB, SASB Standards: See here for a guidelines matrix (GRI/SASB)
ISO 26000, Guidance on social responsibility